Having a ripping guitar and thundering drums is awesome in my opinion and I just tend to like that. However that being said I realize that it is not just about me and my likes, but in endeavoring to create a worship environment that is conducive to people connecting with God in a way that they may never had before, its not about the style, or more to the point my style.
Looking back on the different stylistic forms of worship that I have been apart of over the years, I can see that I have been able to connect with the Lord in all of them, it wasn't that this one was quieter and more reverent or that this one had hundreds in the choir, or this one had ripping guitar licks. The keys I believe to creating and producing this environment of worship that anybody (regardless of their personal style) can come in and make that connection with the one who saved us is this:
- keep your focus on the Lord
- submit to the song and to each other (ie, leave your ego & preference at the door)
- be willing to do something different than the norm
- have a unity of direction and communicate with each other