Music, Good Message??? - Good Music

There has been LOTS of controversy over what qualifies as Christian v Secular music for a verrry looong time... So in an attempt to douse the flames a bit here are my feelings on the subject:
  • First off why is the line drawn at Christian artist and secular artist, for there have been several CA's that do secular music and times when SA's have done christian or religious music...
    • Point in case has anyone noticed how many U2 songs have been redone by CA's in the last several years? or Carey Underwood's Take the Wheel that has been played on Christian Radio since it came out, or going back Elvis' religious recordings.... you get the picture...
  • Secondly why is it that those that are hardliners on drawing the line at Christian/Secular ok w/ listening to Classical, Jazz, Folk or even Country ect? Does not the fact that the artist could be either mean that it is good or bad???
So the long and short of it is why break it down that way, I suggest KISS - you got Rock Music (the good and the bad), Worship Music, Christian Contemporary, Pop, Country, Rap ect ect.... all which in my opinion have good and bad, not to mention the artist doing it, there are again good and bad artists...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post... I'll have to add a some additional commets on my blog and then link to this!